#JunkTerrorBill and #JUNKTERRORBILLNOW have become most talked about topics on social media since the House Committee on Public Order and Safety and the House Committee on National Defense and Security approved on May 29 the Anti-Terrorism Bill, a copy of the approved version in the Senate to fast-track the passage of the bill into law, and since President Rodrigo Duterte certified the bill as urgent on June 1.

All amendments proposed to the bill in the House plenary were rejected as it was passed on second reading on June 2. This was to keep a faithful copy of the Senate version to avoid lengthy and tedious bicameral proceedings. The Duterte administration is looking to pass the measure this week before Congress adjourns. And it did, with the House voting to approve the measure on third and final reading, with 173 yes votes, 31 no and 29 abstain.

Filipinos expressed their dissent to the anti-terrorism bill in many creative ways online, as many are still staying at home with the under the general community quarantine (GCQ) and modified GCQ regimes that various areas in the country was placed. Metro Manila shifted to GCQ on June 1 after the longest lockdown in the world in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.






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